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Ubuntu Archive Mirror Server > Folder: /ubuntu/
Ubuntu Releases (ISO) Mirror Server > Folder: /ubuntu-releases/
HTTP            : http://mirror.domainhizmetleri.com
HTTPS           : https://mirror.domainhizmetleri.com
Location        : Istanbul/Turkiye
Bandwidth       : 1Gbps
Sync Schedule   : Every 2 hrs
Sponsor         : https://domainhizmetleri.com

Almalinux Mirror Server > Folder: /almalinux/
HTTP            : http://mirror.domainhizmetleri.com
HTTPS           : https://mirror.domainhizmetleri.com
Location        : Istanbul/Turkiye
Bandwidth       : 1Gbps
Sync Schedule   : Every 2 hrs
Sponsor         : https://domainhizmetleri.com

Hiren's BootCD Mirror Server > Folder: /hbcd/
HTTP            : http://mirror.domainhizmetleri.com
HTTPS           : https://mirror.domainhizmetleri.com
Location        : Istanbul/Turkiye
Bandwidth       : 1Gbps
Sync Schedule   : Every 4 hrs
Sponsor         : https://domainhizmetleri.com

Living is no laughing matter:
        you must live with great seriousness
                like a squirrel, for example-
        I mean without looking for something beyond and above living,
                I mean living must be your whole occupation.
Living is no laughing matter:
        you must take it seriously,
        so much so and to such a degree
      that, for example, your hands tied behind your back,
                                your back to the wall,
        or else in a laboratory
                in your white coat and safety glasses,
                you can die for people-
             even for people whose faces you've never seen,
             even though you know living
                is the most real, the most beautiful thing.
        I mean, you must take living so seriously
             that even at seventy, for example, you'll plant olive trees-
             and not for your children, either,
             but because although you fear death you don't believe it,
             because living, I mean, weighs heavier.

                                        Nazim Hikmet RAN
                                        February, 1948